About Me


“Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

Welcome! I’m Mira and I’m an elementary school teacher and soon-to-be registered yoga teacher that’sΒ in love with healthy, real food and vibrant wellness. You could call it true love. I am a believer that eating natural food, true to what mother nature intended, is what will directly contribute to amazing health and well-being. Why? Because I’ve lived it myself.

Early struggles with my skin and allergies brought me to doctors and dermatologists, all of whom recommended countless antibiotics and drugs to manage the symptoms. After reading about the side-effects of some of these medications (some of them permanent, and very serious), I refused to believe that these were my only options. On the advice of a friend, I then visited a naturopath who directed me onto the “natural path” of managing my health by tackling the root of the problem, rather than the symptoms.

From there, I began to read countless articles, recipes and blogs about eating for wellness and was inspired by so many stories of people that had healed themselves through changes in their diet, supplementation and lifestyle. And I was hooked on the food. It was just so darn delicious and I felt AMAZING. I had energy, my skin cleared up, and even my mood was more balanced. It just felt right to eat real food.

I used to think healthy food was boring, bland and tasteless, or that it would take so much time to prepare. I assure you this is not true.Β I am so excited to share what I’ve learned through my journey into wellness with you and I hope to inspire you to try some recipes here, or share your own! I’d love to hear your experiences too!

Be well! πŸ™‚

17 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Miss Chris Creations says:

    Thanks for checking out my blog and my Crispy Peanut Butter Truffles! I hope you find get a chance to try these out for yourself sometime too. I look forward to following your blog in the future!


    • truefoodlove says:

      Thank you so much, I’m honoured! That’s so sweet of you! I love the recipes on your site too! I’ll do my best to try to follow up with a blog post soon. πŸ™‚

    • truefoodlove says:

      Awww! Thanks so much for shout-out on your blog Eva and Bob! πŸ™‚ I’m honoured! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog and I’m really enjoying yours! Can’t wait to see future posts!

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